Former CMO
BBC Maestro
Virginie is the former CMO for BBC Maestro and Clim8 and an award-winning marketing leader with 20 years of experience setting up marketing functions from inception to acceleration and delivering commercial growth.
She has held leadership positions for companies ranging from well-known household brands such as EE, O2, Aviva, Sky, News UK, and BBC Maestro - to high-growth start-ups/scale-ups - across a range of industries (edtech/edutainment, digital marketplace, fintech, insurtech, telco, media/content, and financial services).
Virginie has worked and lived in 6 countries (France, UK, US, Japan, South Africa and Germany) with extensive experience in launching and expanding businesses globally and running localised marketing.
Virginie is also a Board Advisor and school governor and an active member and mentor for Bloom UK and Thrivewithmentoring, She is currently busy studying for her executive coaching accreditation.